Moxton Education is an independent specialist IT consultancy (not a supplier) focused only on the provision of ICT in Education. Moxton work with Schools, Trusts and Colleges or commercial organisations that have education customers. We provide consultancy to help educators make informed decisions about IT Strategy, Procurement Processes, and Supplier Management.
The business is in a unique position where we can draw together an almost unrivalled level of experience in this sector through our core team and range of associate consultants. All of the team have worked in ICT in education for at least the last 25 years and have the benefit of working both client and supply side.
Why Umbrella?
Umbrella gives Moxton the opportunity to engage with clients in a new and unique way with a small group of industry-recognised businesses that also have the needs of education as their prime focus. Working with a group of businesses that have a collective understanding, capability and track record to address these needs gives us the confidence to work with them in partnership.
Learning Academies Partnership (LAP) serves a range of distinctive communities across Cornwall, Devon and Torbay. Academies are organised into regional hubs because this enables local-level collaboration and development as well as working collectively with the wider School Trust family members. The academies take a collective responsibility for all children in the School Trust family and this is achieved by working together to enable children to flourish academically alongside the range of experiences and opportunities that are offered through the curriculum so that children’s horizons are not limited, and aspirations and expectations are high.
Learn Academies Partnership
Solutions and Improved Outcomes
Bringing a group of schools together with their own visions, ICT systems and suppliers into line with a coherent strategy, a five-year financial plan and the identification of a single supplier that could support LAP into the future, was the foundation on which the LAP vision could be built. Moxton was engaged to help achieve this vision, following a proven five-stage process:
Firstly, an initial audit was undertaken to establish a detailed understating of the technologies, suppliers, internal resources and the overall expenditure in place in each of the schools.
Secondly and in parallel, Moxton worked with leaders in each of the schools and with the MAT to develop a vision and understating of how ICT could support LAP into the foreseeable future.
Thirdly, with this knowledge in hand and combining this with an understanding of market trends and technology futures, a technology ‘blueprint’ was developed alongside a five-year financial model (benchmarked against MATs of a similar size and geography).
Fourthly, with this knowledge in hand, Moxton ran a Find a Tender Service (FTS) public procurement to identify and select a provider of ICT systems and services.
Finally, Moxton worked with LAP over a six-month period to ensure that there was a smooth transition to the new range of services.
“ICT has been critical to helping achieve LAP’s vision for both teaching and learning, and Moxton has been instrumental in helping us achieve this.”
- Emma Clark, CFO and Head of Operations, Learn Academies Partnership